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Petroleum Products

At the refinery, crude oil is separated into different fuels including Gasoline, Diesel (AGO), Jet Fuel (Kerosene), Heating Oil, Mazut, Base Oil etc.

This base stock is further processed, blended and strengthened with required properties to make different kind of Lubricants.

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Mazut is a heavy, low quality fuel oil, used in generating plants and similar applications.
When blended the end product is diesel used for heating houses in former USSR states.

At Gomak Inc. , we buy and sell Mazut ( M-100) togrther with other specifications all over the world.

Refineries produce heating oil as a part of the “distillate fuel oil” product family, which includes heating oils and diesel fuel.

They are limited in the amount of heating oil they can make to meet the demands of the winter heating season.  . To produce more heating oil, they would also have to produce more of other petroleum products which could not be sold in sufficient quantities during the winter months.

A rapid change to colder weather can impact both supply and demand; people want more fuel at the same time that harbors and rivers are frozen or delivery systems are interrupted

When crude oil prices are stable, home heating oil prices tend to gradually rise in the winter months when demand is highest. If refiners, wholesalers, dealers and consumers have enough heating oil in storage and temperatures do not drop rapidly, prices hold fairly steady (assuming crude oil prices are also not changing much.

On the other hand, if consumer demand is high for a seasonal product, such as gasoline, refiners may delay producing heating oil for the winter, which may lower inventories at the start of the heating season.

Additionally, during very cold periods, prices of other heating fuels such as natural gas or kerosene may increase even more than heating oil prices.  In this case, some consumers may switch from using their normal heating fuel to using heating oil, thereby increasing the demand for heating oil.

We can surely save you a lot of headache, time and, money

Please contact us at info@gomakinc.com or use the Online Form Page for relevant inquiries .




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